Light up the Night

Join us for an "Occasion To Remember" at St. Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, and remember a loved one this Christmas.

You are invited to attend a special candlelit Service on Sunday 10th December at St. Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, from 3.00pm – 4.30pm.

Prior to the Service which commences at 3.30pm, you will have the opportunity to place a token on our remembrance trees in memory of your loved one. The trees will remain in the Cathedral until Christmas Day. The Service will feature beautiful music from the Cathedral Choir, a solo harpist, along with readings, poetry and silence, all by candlelight.

Everyone is very welcome to this Service and the Dean has kindly invited representatives from across the traditions to lead prayers at this very special event.

Although this event is free, we do ask that you register for a ticket below as places are limited.

This event is hosted by Funeral Partners NI and we are very grateful for their support.

If you have any problems signing up or have any questions please get in touch with our friendly fundraising team.