
With over 600,000 people dying in the UK each year, it's likely that you will meet a colleague, customer or service user that's grieving. How you support them during this time will not only have a huge impact on their wellbeing but also on your organisation's reputation.

  • Customer Experience Review

    When handling someone’s estate, it’s estimated that a customer has to contact 21 different organisations. Making this process as simple and straightforward as possible will go a long...

  • Death of a colleague

    The death of a colleague can be devastating. If the loss is not handled sensitively and respectfully, emotions can quickly turn to anger or disdain. This group support...

  • Bereavement Policy Review

    Dealing with a bereavement is often one of the biggest challenges of an employee’s life. We can help you develop a bereavement policy for your place of work...

To contact our expert team, please email [email protected]