We know that many of you like to support your favourite charities at Christmas and we at Cruse are incredibly grateful for any donations. This year costs are rising for everyone and services will be at risk without the generosity of our supporters.
But we know that times are tough
If you can’t spare any money this year, there’s still a lot you can do to support us. If you’ve got some free time, whether that’s two minutes right now, or several hours a week in the new year, take a look at our Christmas wish list.
We’re so thankful for any help you can give!
Our Christmas wish list
- Donate what you can: Even a small donation can make help us make sure that no one is alone in their grief at Christmas – for example £3.98 could pay for an online session for someone struggling to talk about how they’re feeling.
- Like our posts: Social media is a great way for us to reach people, both those who need our help and potential supporters. If you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn, and like our posts, it’ll only take you a couple of seconds and will help us get our message out.
- Write to your MP: We want to put pressure on MPs, MLAs and members of the Senedd to consider bereavement and grief whenever policy is made. You can find our latest campaign and template letter here or tell them about any bereavement issue you worry about. And do let us know at [email protected] if you get a reply, so we can note down which decision makers are supportive (or not!).
- Do somethign fun in 2023: Fundraising may seem a little daunting at first, but it’s a lot easier than you think. You can do (pretty much) anything to raise money – and have lots of fun too! No matter how you choose to fundraise, we’ll be there to help you every step of the way. Get in touch with us at [email protected].
- Leave a dedication to someone you’ve lost: You can leave a tribute to someone special on our Sea of Yellow Hearts – and let others know about it too.
- Sign up for our supporters’ newsletter: Keep in touch with all our latest news, information and ways you can help. We send out email updates once a month and you can sign up here (and unsubscribe at any time if it’s not for you).
- Send a Cruse Christmas card: If you’re sending out cards, there’s still time to buy Cruse cards and support us at the same time. And if you prefer not to send paper cards, or can’t afford it this year, sending our e-cards helps remind people about us and our work.
- Sign a petition: Keep an eye out for petitions on subjects that affect bereaved people. Every signature helps remind decision makers about people’s concerns. For example, sign the petition to help get schools to teach children about death and grief.
- Volunteer for us: Are you caring and a good listener? Or do you have other skills that you’d like to share with us and put towards helping bereaved people? Find out more about volunteering for Cruse
- Share something with someone who might need it: If you know someone who’s grieving, and you see one of our posts or articles that you think might help, please do tag them or pass it on.
- Hold a birthday fundraiser: Why not hold a Facebook fundraiser for your birthday in 2023? It won’t cost you anything and those giving will know they are supporting a cause you really care about.
- Talk to your employer: If you or others where you work need any training in bereavement issues, why not put in a request and pass on our details to your employer? Or perhaps your workplace choses regular charity partners, or could work with us in other ways. We’re always happy to talk about what we can do together. Find out more at www.cruse.org.uk/organisations.
- Subscribe to a podcast: We’ve been sharing some of what we know about grief in the new podcast series Let’s talk about grief with Coleen Nolan. Subscribe to this (or to one of the many other great podcasts on grief and bereavement) and learn about other people’s experiences of grief and what everyone can do to help.
- Change the world – one conversation at a time: Cruse’s vision is that we live in a world where everyone grieving is supported, respected and understood. This Christmas let’s all help make this a reality by talking and listening with an open heart to those we know who are grieving, and breaking down taboos around death and bereavement with everyone we know.