Bereaved by Dementia Project

Cruse Bereavement Care Cymru and Alzheimer’s Society Cymru are working to help people affected by dementia with pre- and post-bereavement loss and grief. *Please note, this project has now closed

Cruse Bereavement Care Cymru and Alzheimer’s Society Cymru are working to deliver a new project supporting pre-bereavement loss and grief for people affected by dementia.

The project is funded by a grant from Greater Gwent Integrated Care fund 2019-2022.

The first project of the partnership, Bereaved by Dementia supported people with dementia and their families following a bereavement. This new project will focus on improving access to pre-bereavement support.

When someone is diagnosed with dementia, it is common for them and their families to experience feelings of loss. This project will support people diagnosed with all forms of dementia, and their families, in managing and better coping with these feelings of loss, from diagnosis onwards.

Please contact project manager Maxine Norrish for further information. [email protected] Tel: 07951348171

The Pre-bereavement service continues to deliver support to clients in Wales affected by dementia before or after bereavement.

If you would like support please email: [email protected]

Project resources and publications

An evaluation of the new pre-bereavement service developed by Cruse for people affected by dementia

Carers’ Stories: Supporting people living with dementia – A guide for carers written by carers

Bereavement, loss and dementia – Supporting people living with dementia and those close to them through the grieving process

Conversation cards 

Responding to distress and behaviours that challenge: Short-term intervention and long-term planning

Bereaved by Dementia Project Evaluation (May 2019) Executive Summary

Bereaved by Dementia Project Evaluation (May 2019) Full Report


Prosiect Profedigaeth Oherwydd Dementia

Mae Gofal mewn Galar Cruse Cymru a Chymdeithas Alzheimer Cymru yn parhau i gydweithio i ddarparu prosiect newydd – Cymorth gyda cholled a galar cyn profedigaeth ar gyfer pobl y mae dementia’n effeithio arnynt.

Mae’r prosiect yn cael ei ariannu gan grant o gronfa Gofal Integredig Gwent Fwyaf 2019-2022.

Yn dilyn llwyddiant prosiect cyntaf y bartneriaeth, Profedigaeth oherwydd Dementia, a oedd yn rhoi cymorth i bobl â dementia a’u teuluoedd wedi profedigaeth, bydd y prosiect newydd hwn yn canolbwyntio ar wella mynediad at gymorth cyn profedigaeth.

Pan fydd rhywun yn cael diagnosis dementia, mae’n beth cyffredin iddyn nhw a’u teuluoedd brofi teimladau o golled. Bydd y prosiect hwn yn cynorthwyo pobl sydd wedi cael diagnosis gyda phob ffurf ar ddementia, a’u teuluoedd, i reoli ac ymdopi’n well gyda’r teimladau hyn o golled, o’r diagnosis ymlaen.

Cysylltwch â rheolwr y prosiect, Maxine Norrish am ragor o wybodaeth.

[email protected]
Ffôn: 07951348171

Adnoddau a chyhoeddiadau

Gwerthusiad o’r gwasanaeth cyn profedigaeth newydd a ddatblygwyd gan Cruse Bereavement Support i bobl y mae dementia yn effeithio arnynt

Profedigaeth, colled a dementia

Cardiau ysgogi sgwrsio

Gwerthusiad Prosiect ‘Bereaved by Dementia’ (Mai 2019) Crynodeb Gweithredol